one of the leading causes of young people ceasing to exist thru time and space is by them choosing to take their own life. today's double-click pace doesn't always leave time for real talk amongst even our closest allies; much-less sincerity from a stranger. a silent alarm has been sounded and we should heed its warning, turn around and make a stand against all those things that push young people down. to maintain silence with such a worthy adversary as untreated depression, anger, bipolar or any one of the myriad of chronic conditions affecting so many of our family members and friends- it leaves the rest of us culpable. this little web site is just one small attempt in this overly-distracted world to show people that to be human is to be imperfect- embrace the chaos of this thing called life- we only get one go at it.
the goal of this project is 1st and foremost to raise awareness that not all brains are created equal. they ALL need special treatment throughout the dark journey they take in our skull. every part of the human body is susceptible to dis ease. the mind and its effects are no exception. there is a shroud of misconceptions and old beliefs that has slowed people from acknowledging we have a problem in how human brain health is understood and treated (or not). If we can bring more people to the conversation that has been forced upon our species, maybe we can help some people along the way! because, shit gets real sometimes and life is already short.
the notion of infecting the planet with empathy via a silicone arm band, a t shirt or billboard sounds attainable. ideally, many routes of infection are best if we are to kill the darkness! the more people who see the truth of what is happening in our world the more conversations people might have. we want to have billboards all along the country's highways forcing this discussion. letting the world know its only human to have isms. we need to make the topics of brain health, depression and suicide as common and as acceptable as the word shit. we're not suggesting plastering all over the place, but we're not against it either.
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